
Hatfield memories

A Gilgandra tree: a Hokonui story

This pine tree has an interesting story that goes back about 4 decades.

When we used to have our Christmas at Hokonui, we would give each other presents that we had made ourselves. One year, the Gilgandras gave the Kareelas a herb potted in a painted pineapple juice tin.

The herb was grown and consumed. But also in the pot Carolyn found a small green shoot.

She never lets plant life go to waste so she nurtured that green shoot. And it thrived.

It turned out to be a pine tree, grown from a seed that must have been in the soil from the pine forest.

And so, when it was ready, the small tree was planted down the back of our yard. And it grew. And grew.

Forty years later, we can see it from the house. Something like 12m tall and slender, we can see it waving in the wind down the back of the yard.

A little piece of Gilgandra thriving in urban Kareela. And likely to still be there long after I have gone.

Thanks, Gilgandras, for the gift that keeps on giving.

4 responses to “A Gilgandra tree: a Hokonui story”

  1. Great memories Eric. I came across more pics of Hokonui is a recent cleanup. Two of My family group on the front lawn showing the house and veranda. One on the back steps. One in the lounge room. Do you want me to send them to you to add to your collection ?
    I also notice that you live at Kareela. My sister and her husband live in Baindain Ave. I’m at Heathcote. Small world !!! Ross Handley.

    1. Hi Ross, nice to hear from you again. If you have more pictures, I’d love to see them. I don’t think many people look at this site, but ti’s available for our family, and yours.

      1. Hi Eric, attached are the last few pics we came across in a cleanup.

        We all have such great memories of our family holidays at Hokonui.

        I also came across old original receipts from a 1975 Weekend Elders and Deacons Retreat our Church held there, which first introduced me to the place.


      2. Hi Ross, I don’t know how you can send photos as an attachment, but I have sent you an email and you can send the photos that way and I’ll add them. Thanks. Eric

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